Our firm offers a wide range of services to our individual and business clients. Below we have listed the services that we offer to our clients along with a brief description.
As the list below is by no means all-inclusive, please feel free to inquire about a service if you do not see it listed. If it is not a service we provide, we have many qualified professional referral partners that we work with that we would be happy to refer you to.
Accounting Services
Accounting Services
We assist our clients in knowing more about their businesses so that they can make informed financial decisions. We also ensure that our client's records can withstand IRS scrutiny by assisting them with the documentation requirements for the areas that the IRS successfully audits; namely Meals and Entertainment, Travel and Auto Deductions. Providing financial information to our clients in a timely and accurate manner is a commitment that we take seriously. Our firm provides a full range of cost effective accounting services including the following:
- General ledger & financial statement preparation
- Bookkeeping (Monthly/Quarterly/Annually)
- Computerized payroll services (for sole S Corp Shareholder only)
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Tax Services
Tax Planning
Clients don't like surprises. We meet with every client midyear to discuss their tax situation and what changes need to be made to their reasonable salary, estimated tax payments, pension contributions, etc. with enough time to make meaningful changes prior to year-end.
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Tax Preparation
With every tax return we prepare, our goal is to get our clients the lowest amount of tax LEGALLY possible and to ensure that we have discussed any red flags with the client so we can pull them off the return to minimize the risk of audit.
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State Tax Nexus/Compliance
Once a business starts transacting business in other states and more importantly, actually maintain a physical presence in other states (paying payroll, maintaining an office or warehouse, paying independent contractors, etc.) most states have the right to assess income, sales and payroll taxes. As each state has its own laws state compliance can get fairly complicated. Fortunately, our staff have had years of expertise in both state nexus (the right to tax) and compliance issues and can review your exposure and discuss the best options for your business.
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IRS/State Representation
During our years of experience dealing with many taxing authorities, we have achieved a level of competence that can ensure our clients they are being properly represented before the various federal and state tax agencies. We have had much success in working with the agencies to reduce tax, penalties and interest charges.